Below is a list of uniforms and equipment for members putting together their impressions. It is recommended to first purchase equipment that was most common throughout the war for maximum flexibility. For example, a M40 Tunic and M42 trousers rather than items that were common only towards the beginning or end of the war. It is also recommended that new members first focus on their uniform, basic kit, and rifle before buying anything else.

Feldbluse: Wool tunic models with common years of use below
M36 (1936-42)
M40 (1940-45)
M42 (1942-45)
M43 (1943-45)
M44 (Nov 1944-45)
Langhosen: Wool trouser models with common years of use below
M37 (1936-40)
M40 (1940-45)
M42 (1942-45)
M43 (1943-45)
M44 (Nov 1944-45)
Mantel: Also known as a "Great Coat", only the following patterns authorized.
M40 (1940-45)​
M42 (1942-45)
Arbeitshemd: Grey knit/cotton service shirt with or without pockets​
Hosenträger: Repro trouser suspenders
Feldmutze: M34/M38/M43 Cap
Helm: Painted feldgrau with NO decals
M35 (1939-45)
M40 (1940-45)
M42 (1943-45)
Socken: Gray wool Socks
Stiefel: Boots dyed black and polished
Jackboots (1936-45)
Low boots w/ Gaiters (1942-45)

Litzen: Also referred to as "collar tabs". See the list below for authorized litzen types on each tunic model.
M36: Infantry white or early war green "generic litzen
M40: Generic (Green)
M42: Generic (Green or Gray)
M43&M44: Generic (Gray)
Breast Eagle: Breast eagle model should coincide with the the tunic you choose
Shoulder boards: authorized shoulder board type by each model tunic.
M36: White piped bottle green shoulder boards with embroidered GD.
M40-M44: White piped "Feldgrau" embroidered GD shoulder boards
Cuff Title: Do not purchase this item, it is awarded to you after paying your initial GD dues and attendance of your third event.
Basic Kit: Purchase these items first
Heer belt buckle and belt
Kar98k ammunition pouches
Kar98k bayonet
M31 canteen with wool cover
M31 mess tin
Folding eating utensil
M31 breadbag
Kar98k rifle (German manufacture only)
M38 gas mask can
E-tool w/ carrier
Splinter A zeltbahn
Additional Kit: Purchase these items after Basic Kit
Esbit stove
Original or postwar flashlight
Original Gas Mask
Heer soldbuch (Issued to you after paying your initial dues.)

German Soldiers carried a variety of personal items with them in their pockets, bread bags, and A Frames. A list of most, but not all items is below. A great resource for these items is "Kreigsende", found in the authorized vendor page.
Clothing Accessories
Sweaters, scarves, and wool gloves
Spare wool socks
Wallet/billfold with Soldbuch and currency
Letters and pencils/pens
Shaving kit (Safety razor, brush, and soap)
Toothbrush & Toothpaste
Comb (Wood/horn)
Wash cloth
Other items​​​
Lighter & cigarette/tobacco tins ( Members 18+ only)
Period rations
Pocket knives
Skat playing cards
Various tins of mints, salves, and other "luxury" items